This installment of "Salute to the Stars" includes Reba McEntire, performed by the extremely talented and versatile Wendy T. Wendy has performed from Las Vegas to Atlantic City, in Casinos, on Cruise Ships , at Fairs, USO tours, and the top Las Vegas impersonator show, Legends in Concert! Born and raised in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Wendy t. started her love for Country music at an early age. She played many years at theaters in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, performing for devout Reba fans and participating with Dolly Parton in her springtime parade! Wendy now lives with her husband, John, in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains . A wonderful spot to continue her love for Country music , and all things Dolly!
Rick St James (Rod Stewart) is a singer, songwriter and entertainer. As a follower of British Rock and Blues he naturally fell into a show saluting that music. The Rod Stewart part of his original show received the biggest reception and became the show he would take around the world. The show covers Rod's career and his influences including his Greatest Hits, Rock n Roll, Motown, Soul and Rhythm and Blues classics.
As the King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley, is the man known worldwide as the TRUE Voice of Elvis, Doug Church. Doug began his career in the US Air Force, brandishing a guitar and home-made costume, where he began winning talent contests held annually by the Air Force with his amazing rendition of the King of Rock n Roll. He has awed his audiences for years, leaving them totally mesmerized and shaken. They swear that when you close your eyes, Elvis is right there in the room with you. Doug's voice has been acknowledged as being the closest to "The King's" by not only his fans and peers but also by those who knew Elvis personally, and is regarded as an Icon in the industry.